Season Donors

ARTS GRANTS ($4,000+)

The Plano Community Band is funded in part by the City of Plano.




Presto ($5000+)

Mike and Peaches Eipper

Vivace ($1000-$4999)

Bob and Dinah Carter
Gebhardt Broadcasting
Janice Wolff in memory of Liz Wolff
Marilyn Woodruff 

Allegro ($500-$999)

Jennifer Breitzmann
Dianne and Marion Brockette
Jim Carter
Joe and Becky Frank
Chris and Rebecca Gebhardt
Denise Guilbert in memory of Tommy Guilbert
Molly Headd

Andante ($100-$499)

Larry Bailey
Linda Block
Bill and Maria Brewster
Jim Carter
Richard Clark
Jesse and Betty Jane Covey
David and Connie Eldred
Jim and Cindy Fry
Michael Godfrey
Mike and Amber Grubb
John Guilbert
The Expo Group
Robert and Cindy Harder in memory of Liz Wolff
Chris Heider
Art and Jennifer Holguin
Lynne Jackson
Kathy Kuddes
David and Grace Lovrien
Plano International Festival
Mr. and Mrs. Allan D. Rosen
Sherry and Warren Rubin
Mike and Linda Shirley
Angie and Joe Sifferman
Alan Stevenson
Bob Straka
Isela and Ray Tautges
Mark Thompson
David and Lee Anne Young

Adagio ($25-$99)

Anonymous (2)
Jennifer Breitzmann
Ray Brinks
Stephanie Cole
Bette Cox
Amy Crawford
John and Patty Di Filippo
Brian Erickson
Melodye Green
Glen Haschke
Ceci Higgins
Sandy Jacobs in honor of Keith Jacobs
Jessica Karlinski
Alan and Lois Kohn
Blake and Alyene Leslie
Carol Levy

Jim and Adelina Lewis
Lamont Lockwood
Nancy Sennetti
Janet Morphew Shaw
Robert Brant Taylor
Tod and Deborah Toney
Julie Rigsby White

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